Adding your Blog to the Directory


To submit your blog/website you must follow the instructions below exactly, if not your blog will not be listed


Add the following button to your Main Blog Page or website homepage, this is required to verify you own the blog/website:

Lean Manufacturing        

Why is this button refering to a different website?

Ans: This directory is run by, our main website. We also specialize in web, blog, and classified advertising platforms.



If you are unable to add the Button, you may add a Link from your main blog page or website to :

Use: Lean Manufacturing as Anchor text for the link.

Step 2:


Once you have added this Button to your Main Blog page or website you need to email us at:


In the email include the following:

Email Subject: Directory Submission

Email Text:  Blog URL/ Website URL  , Anchor text for link, Brief one line description of Blog.


NOTE: Ensure the button is visible on the main blog page or home page of your website. The button must remain on this page. If button is removed we will remove your listing.



We will respond to your submission via email, and it may take up to 10 business days to add your site to the directory depending on the number of applications pending.